I bet that creating a successful business has been on your mind for quite some time.
Maybe since graduating college and realizing that you don't actually want to sit at a desk all day with a buttoned up shirt and red lipstick (well maybe the red lipstick part could be fun) working for someone else's dream. You've got your own dreams.

But the problem is that having valuable skills you feel confident in doesn't always translate into knowing how to have the confidence to offer it, and who to offer it to.
Where do I even begin?
Who is going to want this?
Where do I find clients?
What if I’m not smart enough and confident enough for this?
This is usually where people stop, drop and get the hell out.
Because whenever you allow yourself, even for a moment, to dream what could be, your brain begins to bombard you with concerns that make you want to come back to that business idea “another day.” (AKA: Never.)
You need to know that “doing it right” means:
Having an idea. Trying it out. It not working. You not making it mean anything about you. You getting excited about figuring it out. Trying it again with a slightly different twist. It working. You celebrate.
Repeat over and over.
And all of this takes a healthy amount of self- confidence that you are doing it right even when it feels like you’re not.
When you work with me, you get:
Weekly sessions: Six months of 1:1 weekly sessions (roughly 60 minutes) where you’ll get full support on your goals and needs and leave each session with clarity and direction on what steps to take next.
An all inclusive coaching program: Weekly “Soulful Work” assignments, coaching techniques, reflection prompts, tools you can use outside of our sessions to coach yourself and more.
Additional Support Between Sessions: Email, WhatsApp and Marco Polo support provided as needed between sessions. *This is a most loved and appreciated addition for all of my clients.
Gentle and Loving approach: Painful and hard emotions are awful, and business building can bring up all of them. My approach is gentle and loving and I teach partnering with your hard and painful emotions in order to allow them to guide you closer to who you want to become. We will not push to achieve. We will lovingly find comfort and safety as we will build your business together.
Work with you in the comfort of your own home: All my sessions are run through Zoom. I work internationally (currently have clients in the U.S., Australia, England and Israel) and work around whatever time zone you live in. (I myself have been known to get up at 3am to get coached by my own coach who is based in Korea :) )
Investment: $3,600
Feeling scared to click that “Hells Yeah” button?
I know cause everyone does. It's literally how our brains were wired.
Whenever you are taking the first step towards anything new, this is when self-doubt gets the loudest. Like really screaming in your ear “OMG! Don’t do it!!"
I can't tell you how many folks who've signed up for coaching with me have shared in their first session that they wanted to sign up a month ago, some a year ago and others even longer, but they just kind of freaked and didn't.
I wasn't surprised. I even expect it now. Most folks convince themselves that they can do it on their own or they just need more time to research other coaches and other programs. And then one day they wake up and realize that they still aren't doing it. Oops. That didn't work.
My point: First steps are freaky and it just means you have a normal, healthy human brain.
And this is EXACTLY why you, me and every human you pass on the street should really want a coach. At least in my coach-y opinion.
When you’re finally here to make a powerful decision to J U M P, I’m here to catch you and lovingly guide you towards even higher jumps and, yes, perhaps even bigger falls but more importantly the self-confidence and self-trust to get up from those falls and reach for those jumps and build something kind of wonderful.